Urgent Joint Gurudwaras of NZ Press Release : Sri Sahib / Kirpan
Attention: Please read the following message carefully it is of great importance
In light of the recent terrorist attack in Lyn mall last Friday where a sharp knife was used as a weapon. We as a community must understand that under the current circumstances baptised Sikh’s article of faith, Sri Sahib/ kirpan can be easily mistaken as a weapon in public domain. This can escalate into a national issue where community image can be tarnished and baptised Sikhs in particular our elders can be subjected to unnecessary harassment and interrogation leading to unpleasant incidents relating to wearing their article of faith on the outside (on top of their clothes). Let’s work together and keep our Sri Sahib inside our clothes so it is not visible to the normal eye for the immediate future.
It is highly recommended that all Amritdhari Sikhs living in New Zealand should refrain from going to public places wearing the kirpan/sri sahib their article of faith on top of their dress in light of the recent incident. Wearing it underneath your clothes is a safer way to avoid any potential incidents where mistaken identity can lead to dire consequences.
All the participating Gurudwaras around NZ have agreed to issue this press release jointly on a very short notice to ensure public is informed of this developing challenge to take timely actions. We appreciate your cooperation on this. Should you have any questions you may contact your local Gurudwara committee member for further information.

Best regards
Sikh Gurudwaras of NZ